I Am Enough

Written by Adrian Cunanan

November 22, 2019

I am enough.

In January 2002, I was diagnosed with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI). 

“Bipolar disorder is a neurobiological brain disorder that affects approximately 2.3 million Americans today, or almost 1 percent of the population.”

My mother says that I have been my own biggest critic for most of my life. Even before my mental health diagnosis, I was suffering from a case of idealistic perfectionism.

These two things compounded into self-criticism and diminished self-confidence.

While researching Self-Confidence in regards too Leadership, I found that the first step in conquering a lack of Self-Confidence is to “Address your self-doubt”. Then one can move on to “Recognizing One’s Accomplishments”.

Thinking about this, I have identified the biggest accomplishment in my life so far… 

Getting married to my wife, Kayo.

The decade before meeting Kayo were some of the most challenging years in my life. Learning to overcome a diagnosis with SMI by learning to manage, monitor, and accept my condition was no easy or quick journey. I truly believed that I was broken and no one would ever want to partner with me.

Currently, I am blessed and grateful to be “highly functional” in both my personal and professional life.

Thank you, Universe. For giving me this challenge to learn the importance of self-care, self-love, and self-confidence.

Whenever I am feeling self-doubt, I will think of my wedding day, the journey it took to get there, and every person that supported me along the way.

Inhale confidence. Exhale Doubt.

I am enough

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